Yuzly approached this project to create a piece that brings together Black and Asian cultures—two cultures that, while notably different, share many common experiences. This piece speaks to the importance of honoring people of color, regardless of their country or provenience. We won’t stop abuse and discrimination until we each learn to accept and celebrate the beauty of difference – whether that’s of background, language, or skin color.
Ingrid Yuzly Mathurin is a Haitian American emerging artist who has been creating and painting for 20 years. Her influences range from the flourishing Harlem Renaissance to the current Hip-Hop culture; from the surrealism of Pablo Picasso to the reality of the Civil Rights Movement. She uses rich patterns, bold colors, and strong faces that remind of the vigor of black females, of the resilience of young mothers, and of the complexity of people.
“I hope this mural uplifts everyone. We definitely need more love going on right now. ”