Blackness is not linear nor should it be narrowed down to one way of existing. Through this painting, my intention is to cast some light on other ways of existing. An existence that we have decided for ourselves, an existence that most of the time isn’t televised and shown to the world. Being Black young or old is not always about trauma, hardship, and repeated cycles. There’s joy, there’s celebration, there’s existing as everyone else is: as the person one has decided to be. Through the realm of mixed media, high key colors and child like depictions, I deliberately chose to show a side of the Black experience that is progressive, fun, reclaiming back its innocence and being itself in all its authenticity. I want the Black youth to have fun...I intend to. I want the Black youth to be silly, be quirky, weird, passionate and most importantly move as who they want to be. The sky’s the limit and we need to hear that more. We have the potential, the tools; we can do anything.