Business of Mural Arts Workshop
In a step toward empowering emerging artists in their careers, Living Walls holds an annual workshop to share our lived experience of how we go about commissions, drafting contracts, budgeting, and marketing for public artwork. The workshop creates an accessible space outside of our projects to share our knowledge and 15 years of experience with the broader creative community.
We will go through an outline and share a template of our contracts for working with clients.
We will give insight into the type of insurance you need to get as a public artist.
We will share our templates and guidelines for creating budgets for public art projects.
Our Director of Productions will share their checklist for managing public art projects on site.
We will share tips on how to write an artist bio, statement, and sharing examples of your work.
We will give tips for pitching yourself as an artist for grant applications and potential clients.
Registration fee - $55.00 / person
Includes access to the live seminar, event recording, and templates.
Registration for this event has closed. To be notified when this offering re-opens, sign up for our waiting list!
When we started Living Walls over 10 years ago, Living Walls began in a street art world dominated by white, cisgender, heterosexual men. As we invested in the industry, we learned methods of creating access and visibility for historically silenced voices.
In an effort to empower BIPOC, women, queer, and trans artists, Living Walls hosts an annual workshop sharing our expertise in commissions, contracts, and budgeting for public artwork.
Immediately after each workshop, we gather attendee feedback to gauge its impact and interest in future sessions. Following our inaugural workshop, all participants expressed keen interest in continuing and supporting the initiative financially.
Feedback highlighted enthusiasm for business resources like budget and contract templates, along with a desire for deeper dives into these topics. Participants also sought guidance on self-marketing and client pitches, and expressed interest in collaborative networking opportunities in future workshops.
Registration fee - $55.00 / person
Includes access to the live seminar, event recording, and templates.
Registration for this event has closed. To be notified when this offering re-opens, sign up for our waiting list!